Tag: Evaluator’s Toolkit

  • Introduction to Focus Groups

    Focus Groups are a commonly used engagement method across various industries and disciplines, often with different purposes and approaches. A focus group is not representative of a population, but it can provide rich qualitative data for the multiple purposes and is popular method in evaluations. A focus group is akin to a group interview and…

  • SWOT Analysis

    A SWOT analysis is a versatile planning tool utilising four sections of a matrix – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It was originally conceived in the early 1960s as post-war USA was introducing legislative change to encourage small business, while simultaneously challenging the large monopolies who dominated the USA business landscape (Puyt, et. al. 2023).…

  • Evaluation Tool: Program Logic

    Program Logics are an effective evaluation tool used primarily to showcase how activities and outputs will translate into objectives. Ideally, in an evaluation setting, it forms a foundation part of the monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) plan for an organisation. The program logic can still be valuable during or even following intervention delivery, as it…